Today's feature and the last feature of a connective thread artist is on Israeli born and Brooklyn based artist Einat Imber. Einat builds very minimal beautiful sculptures often utilizing string as a medium. Einat is less of a fiber artist and more of a traditional sculptor both in her formal approach to her work and her combination of materials and techniques.

Einat's work often references or recreates aspects of nature. Recreating the movement of a wave, a drop of water, or the growth of a tree. In hearing Einat speak at the artist talk I enjoyed hearing her discuss how she is drawn to nature, in particular water, because of its undefinable qualities - its elusive nature of never being still or stagnant. In a way a quiet lack of being able to be controlled....

Einat speaks in her statement about this subject and her inspiration:
I am fascinated with the systematic order found in nature in contrast to the ambiguity of organic forms. In my sculptures I strive to create a new order that is just as convincing as the logic found in nature. One natural theme I revisited is water. Water is constantly in motion and cannot exist outside the dimension of time. In a sense it has no other dimension: its form is dependent on the vessel holding it; its color is determined by the light reflecting in it; its texture is a result of the forces it is subjected to. My challenge was to capture these non-fixed properties within the restrictions of form, materials and dimensions.

You can clearly see Einat's interest in formal qualities she nods to this as she begins her statement:
A heavy object can leave its mark in the malleable sand in one instance or pull tight an elastic string in another. This symbiotic relationship between materials’ inherent traits and their configuration is central to my work. Materials, form, space, dimensions, gravity and time all have an active function. Each component is essential to create a balanced equation, there are no extra elements. Balance is innately fragile and can give way to instability at any moment.

Einat has a gorgeously designed website were you can see more of her work.
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