I am quite attracted to the layered and collaged work of artist Colleen McCubbin Stepanic. She mostly works with acrylics and canvas. Her older work is quite traditional painting, it then evolved to much more expressionistic imagery, and now she is creating some very lovely textural wall installations.

The works often reads like a complex quilt with her use of textural quality and playful colors.

Her use of color is gorgeous, I love how her palette is quite bright and cheerful but her application has a dripping quality that evokes a darker emotion.

I would love to see some detail images of her work to get a better understanding of the texture and quality of construction and....

of course would like to see it in person.

Colleen also makes some powerful text work, perfect for my curatorial call in Tribeca.
See more of her work here.
You're just going to have to come to Philly! We're in a show together at Stratasphere gallery through May 1st, and she has a solo show at the Painted Bride opening this Friday! Colleen is an incredibly prolific painter, and in the past year or so she's begun cutting up her old paintings and stitching them into new ones. Some of the pieces start as spirals cut into the fabric and then re-sewn, others are layered strips of tiles sewn together.
good to know more about her process, thanks for sharing. And congrats on the exhibition. I will have to try to make it out to philly, though my schedule is insane as of late.
But please do send me the details:)
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