I am so excited to announce that I will be curating another exhibit here in NYC.

from the tongue...
an exhibition of works on paper and/or fiber exploring the use of text and language.
June 24-August 6 2010
Opening Reception Thursday, June 24, 7-10pm.
34 North Moore St/Lotus Gallery Space
an exhibition of works on paper and/or fiber exploring the use of text and language.
June 24-August 6 2010
Opening Reception Thursday, June 24, 7-10pm.
34 North Moore St/Lotus Gallery Space

This exhibit will be held at the exhibition space 34 North Moore St. located in the front room of the fabulous and busy Lotus Salon.
34 is a storefront exhibition space in the heart of Tribeca right across the street from a number of galleries and high end shopping. The space allows for plenty of viewers to see the work.
The space is a large, high ceiling exhibition space appropriate for large scale and suspended work.
See some images of the space here..
We will also have a small satellite exhibit in the Greenwich Village corner street level location.
- All artists over 18 are eligible.
- Work can utilize any medium but must primarily use either paper of fiber. Fiber techniques in other materials are also acceptable. i.e.- works on paper, paper sculpture and installation, fiber works, fiber techniques, fiber sculpture and installation.
- All work must utilize text in a visual way-this is open to interpretation but must have actual text in piece- cannot just be inspired by text
- Large scale and installation work is welcome- The work cannot be in the center of the room so please keep this in mind.
- Work must be original.- small editions are acceptable
- Work must be created after 2006
DEADLINE May 7, 2010
- $25 entry fee- 5 works per entry- 1 detail per entry
- Entries can be submitted via Internet or mail, and must be postmarked or emailed by May 7, 2010.
- Entries must be jpg: 300 dpi., largest dimension in any direction 400 pixels. Submit up to 2 images per piece (10 images total per entry, 5 pieces x 2 images = 10 images ). Either email as attachments or mail on cd.
Either by mail or email (email preferred)
- email or mail:
- images correctly sized-300 dpi., largest diemsnion 400 pixels, jpeg only
- artist statement- 300 words or less
- Name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Website or blog url: - Pay submission fee by personal check mailed with submission to curator
Joetta Maue or via paypal button below.
joettamaue (at) gmail {dot}
Mail submissions to
Attention:Joetta Maue
485 Hicks Street #4
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Joetta Maue is a full-time fiber artist living and working in Brooklyn, NY.
Her work has been included in numerous exhibitions across the country, internationally and in New York. Most recently her work was seen in a solo show, Waking with you, at Elizabeth A. Beland Gallery in Massachusetts. You can also see a feature on her in the most recent issue of Needle Magazine.
Joetta's work is featured in a number of upcoming exhibitions including the Fiber Art International Exhibition in Pittsburgh, Pa., Designing Thread at The Gallery at Mt. Ida College., Break ups-R-Tough, U- Turn Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio, and in a solo exhibition, Home Sweet Home, Corridor Gallery, Project Space, Brooklyn, NY.
She will also be a featured artist in the forthcoming book Indie Craft edited by Jo Waterhouse.
Joetta authors the popular art and craft blog Little YellowBird as well as regularly contributes to the online journal Hello Craft and Mr. X Stitch.
This is the 5th exhibition curated by Joetta. You can see images and features from her most recent curatorial exhibit here.
To see Joetta's work her website www.joettamaue.com.
Each selected artist will be featured in Little Yellow Bird.
Exhibition cards will be made- each artist will receive a limited amount.
Press Release will be sent to a number of listings including Time out NY and the L magazine.
Work will be professionally installed and exhibited.

gah, can't believe I missed this opp! I have a piece which would have been great for this show! I suppose I really am too late?
i hear you! sounds like its going to be a great show.
i hope so:)
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