oh, even with a very cranky baby that essentially has refused to to sleep all day, the day has still been a good day here at the better farm.
t did not wake up cranky but happily ate his am bananas while soaking in the morning sun while I lingered in bed.

After some coffee and a walk to see the chickens I headed to the art barn to work...

a perfect spot in the sun...if only
t took a long nap so I could get more work done.

Last night after the babers went to bed I headed back out to the barn to take advantage of the darkness and got 3 new drawings done. I know the blue on white photographs awesome but maybe you can see an element that intrigues you?

Super excited by this one, you may not be able to see but it is composed in a way that a leg is going down the linen, see the foot on the bottom?

This one is the one I spent most of the day working on...and I am loving it. Something about the image, the unfinished circle...something.

and then some yoga in the sun and now mama time. Beside longing for my love all is exactly as it should be here, quiet, simple, and all about making my work.
what an amazing place to work! looks like you are already getting a lot done - very interested to see it's progress
it is. good calm clear mind working. I am hoping to finish the one work this week. We will see.
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