The Anxiety Series by Lindsay Joy was recently featured on Mr. X Stitch but I still wanted to feature it here. Her work is so incredibly honest and raw that it cannot help but move you.

And though I would not consider myself an anxiety ridden person I still can relate to every single piece in the series. In her bio she claims:
This summer I’m embarking on some...projects...and trying to terrify myself repeatedly so that I can function as a normal human being. I recommend reading her statement.

Not to mention that her style of stitching and combining images is totally fantastic.

I imagine that seeing this series all together could make a powerful impact and make you stop and think.

Her work is incredible, thank you so much for writing about it.
thanks for this; totally love her work. you always show us such great artists! [including your own work..!]
glad you all liked it. I found it so powerful it its raw honesty. love it.
Hi, I just found this. Thanks so much for featuring my work! (:
I would say that it's pretty brilliant!
my pleasure Lindsay and yes you are correct Jessie!!!
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