Some shots from the installation of my show in Seattle. I so wish I could see it myself but these will have to do.

My mother in law and niece went -so more pictures from them soon. A good friend of mine from grad school went to the opening and then left me a message saying that she " felt surrounded by me and my passion." So that was a good review.

The show is up for the month. Please stop by if you can and if you do let me know what you thought.
You can see all the work on my newly updated website here.
Congratulations on your very beautiful show. I wish I could see it in person but this will have to do. I admire you and your art very much. I love the way you incorporate your family into your work. Too often we, as artists tend to dis-engage from our families for our art. As women especially the conflict is very real.
Joetta, your work and your specific point of view are welcome in the West Coast world of fiber.
The images give us a good sense of the work and how it is displayed. I like the less formal hanging style, it makes your work more approachable.
I visited your updated website it looks great, clean, simple, easy to navigate.
thank you so much for all your kind words!!!!
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