Julie Peppito is not a fiber artist but she often employs fiber and stitching in her gorgeous and playful sculptures.

Her works seems to be in the realm a child's imagination of a fantasy world of color, nature, and hybrid life. In some ways it reminds me of Kimberley Harts awesome work.

Julie states this:
Nature, consumerism and the ways they connect are primary themes in my work. I transform trinkets, trash, and the residue of Americana into paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations. By bundling, layering and stitching together the waste around me, I confront the mass of consumer goods that tugs at my wallet and overflows the Earth.
By decorating the debris with carefully illustrated narratives and embroidered textures I redirect its message and attempt to eclipse its damage. I want to make the awful and corrupt delicious again.
Not to mention that her drawings are uber gorgeous and "delicious" too. I love how the work seems somehow simple and light but also is covered in stuff or full of stuff. A wonderful balance.

See more work here.
These are fantastic!!!!
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