Here is my little pile of granny squares. I am getting a pretty good hang of it and do not need to look at my cheat sheet anymore. Yeah! But mine never look as perfect as the ones in books or online tutorials. Maybe with time.
But this little pile is almost an entire skein of thread...so I think I need a lot more yarn than I thought.
It is gorgeous here in NY which makes me love being in my studio with the windows open and the sunlight streaming in. But still totally frustrated because I am trying to get a large piece started and am having problems figuring out how to transfer the image onto the linen. So my fingers are crossed for a miracle. Or for electronics to simply communicate properly. One or the other.
And if you want a little bit of me and some other super talented folks interpretations of home go here to buy a super awesome postcard pack. The images are all about home. Good stuff.
I LOVE your entry!! :)))
Your entry in the home postcards, that is...But, also your blog entries, of course. ;)
That is the most perfect shade of gray. I have no idea what the final outcome will be, but I love using such a muted color with a technique that is traditionally really loud. I can't wait for this. I have a serious itch to knit or crochet. Maybe crocheting won't be so bad on the ol' tendons :)
thanks for loving it- that piece is actually one of my favorites. To the point that I am keeping it for myself.
B- yeah originally I was thinking a bright color and then I just sort of got drawn to the gray... now I have to decide if I should use shades of gray or all one gray. I am on the fence....
I would at least make a few squares in other shades of grey. It could be really gorgeous. The only thing with more than one shade is organization, where each shade goes... One more thing to figure out :)
Using just one shade of grey will really highlight the individualism of each square and stitch, which could be something you want to showcase or hide, depending on your vision.
yeah, i am leaning towards adding in another softer gray and maybe just a few darker gray ones. The secret to success will be getting the same weight thread as I had a few from a smaller weight and that did not work well at all. We will see.
Thanks for the feedback:)
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