Sorry for my absence yesterday but I was stuck in bed with a nasty head cold! Feeling a little better today but cannot wait to be 100% again ( and have a nose that is 100% clear).
Above is an image from the installation that I was included in, in Japan. (My work is in the upper left) I was pretty unclear on what type of gallery or shop Gallery Lele was and am still feeling unsure from the images. But it is always nice to get to see some examples of how different places and curators display work. And I sold 2 of the Blythe dresses made for the show:)
My work looks a little worse for the wear, wrinkled and hung a little off from how it should be but all together with the other artists work it seems to be ok. I should be getting this work back soon. Which I will be glad to have so I can post on etsy and offer to the show room which carries my work in Chelsea.
My class with the college students went good on Friday. It was super fun to have a group of folks into my studio and show them around. As always you have some students that seem really into what you are saying and some that look like they just want to take a nap- but from my 3 years of teaching undergrads I know that it is just the nature of the beast. For the most part the students seemed to enjoy themselves and I definitely enjoyed having them. I miss teaching.
I feel like I have so much to do this week and am already missing part of the week. Agh!
Glad you're feeling a little better! you were missed yesterday :)
Congrats on the show in japan- outside of the clumsiness of it all. and i appreciate your comment about teaching. i think all teachers live and die by the students who care. They are the ones who make our efforts worth it.
Also I'm working on re-shooting my work so you'll have a submission from me soon, just fyi.
Take care!
thanks so much.
and I so agree that as a teacher you absolutely live off the students that are excited to be there. They are who inspire you to do a good job, challenge them, and be honest. Essential for the daily life of a teacher:)
Cannot wait to see your submission:)
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