This is a little something I am working on in my studio. I have the idea for the final piece though some logistical issues are still unclear. But of course instead of figuring those out I am just diving in and embroidering. So I guess we will see. I seriously have SO much work to do in the studio. With my 2 shows being just a few months apart I cannot seem to make enough hours in the day.
but it is nice to know that by the end I will have 2 new bodies of work that I am very excited about.
Tonight I am planning on getting my next sleepers drawing done so that I can get stitching on it asap. I only have 3 done and would like 8 so that means about one a month. ACK. That means get busy Joetta. But I do at least have the photos for the next 3. Does anyone know a way to duplicate a person?
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