This is the state of my studio desk as of late. I am researching for a class proposal that I am putting together and experimenting with a newish technique for a piece that I want to make for my solo show. I kind of feel like I need to take one of my days without the kiddo to just sit and read and research, then another day to finish the proposal which will probably take 4 more hours in itself, and then another day to focus on ALL the other small proposals and deadlines that I have. Too bad that means none of those days are focused in making my work....
I love being an artist but sometimes the "business" side of it all is SO exhausting, daunting, and discouraging. How do you trek through the paperwork?
amen!and then when i finally send the proposal off-it takes me a bit to remember what I actually want to do next! Good luck on them all!
thanks same to you, so exhausting:)
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