While searching around for images for yesterday's post on Piper Shepard I fell upon this super awesome image. And with a little research discovered the super awesome design firm Demakersvan.
Demakersvan is interested in looking closely and making what is beautiful and small into something strong and industrial.

They describe this project:
The Lace Fence project translates that line of thinking. Fencing is a sign how we modified and cultivated our environment. Like brambles fences are rising rampantly around us. What would happen if a patch of embroided wire would meet with and continue as an industrial fence. Hostility versus kindness, industrial versus craft.

They have many other very cool projects but I am definitely smitten with the fence. Abandoned lots, playgrounds, dog parks, etc, would become truly beautiful if they all were surrounded by some sweet lace.
maybe we all need to take that look outside of the box.
maybe we all need to take that look outside of the box.
Wow that looks so great mixed in there with the regular chain-link, such a good idea/concept. wonder what it would be like if the embroidered section of the fence was done in colored wire. Funny to picture it in sky blue-would look like a hole in the fence until you got up close to it-well on a sunny day anyway. Amazing stuff to be found out there.
how did you stumble upon that? that fence is genius. genius and delightful.
oh joetta, this is what i love. the idea of soft made in something hard.
pure eye candy!
Those look fun - what a great idea...
I obviously agree with all of you on the fabulous-ness of the fence. And think Jenny has a great idea of imagining it in colors and other variations. Either way I think this should become the norm of fences ewverywhere:)
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