The open studios went very nice this weekend.
I even sold 2 pieces...yeah!
But more wonderful was the ability to have people talk to me a respond to my work in this informal venue. I was delighted and excited about the feedback I got.
People really took the time to read the text of the work, which meant so much to me as an artist...
and much to my happiness and surprise the men seemed to respond and like the work almost as much as the women...This really delighted me, as it is always a concern I have with the work.
It was also a wonderful introduction to my new studio, I got to meet all the other artists and see the work they do. It seems like a great community and I am excited to be a part of it.
And check out the website, my info and statement is now up, it look great....
Yr proffesional site is lovely!!!
thanks, it actually needs updated so badly...i am hoping to do it soon:)
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