sometimes life is full of dirty dishes, figuratively and metaphorically.
Today is a big pile of dirty dishes day.
As a child you think how great it will be to be an adult and ... as an adult how I wish I had the carefree joy and dreaming children possess...
So for no real reason today, maybe little real reasons, I wish I had a maid for my house, my body, my brain, and my heart. Someone who could really clean things up and leave me ready to take the next day...
any recommendations?
You have made dirty dishes look beautiful.
I will certainly enjoy visiting your lovely blog frequently - just found it via La Porte Rouge which I adore!
Brooke-so glad you came to visit and I look forward to you coming back...welcome.
M. French- trust me when the dishes were done the sink did not look so pretty, I took pictures of that but do not feel it fair to subject you all to my husbands habit of throwing everything on the plate in the sink...
but thank you for seeing the beauty that I saw....:)
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