So in my thesis I state (with the help of a friend) that lovely is a word used to describe everything from a wedding to a funeral....
and that is the very reason I chose the word lovely... as my show title.
well, it seems appropriate even now...
this thing that is indefinable, wonderful, beautiful, but not necessarily "good or pleasant."
I had no idea how difficult this process would be.
I had no idea I would be the way I have been during this process.
And I had no idea that I would not feel the way I wanted or expected at the end of all this.
I do not feel accomplishment, I feel like I have just begun, I have so much more work to do...
I have so much to improve, to change, to evolve....
and I know this is a good thing, that mentally I am already responding, critiquing, expanding on what I have done.
But there is a part of me, and at the moment a BIG part of me that just wishes this felt wonderful.
And it does not...
This is the path I have chosen.
And I would not change a thing.
But this road is not smooth, not always pleasant, and not easy.
I look forward to coming back here and sharing what is next instead of what is.
Seeing my work in a gallery is so different then seeing it in my studio.
Getting critiqued in a a gallery is so different then in my studio.
And I look forward to getting back to my studio
"lovely" i have thought a lot about this word since recently I have used it often- it is not beautiful, not sweet, not sad but lovely. But you must forgive me for using it once again when i say, what you wrote about
finishing your thesis reminds me how i felt when i had finally finished- no fireworks, no jig, no jumping...but what i felt was bittersweet, like reading Anna Karinina long, painful, beautiful and when you come to the end it is bittersweet.. glad you finally finished it but in the same breath you sad that it has ended and anxious for the next book...
lovely, lovely blog and your images are delicate and beautiful!
it has been lovely
my company name is 'lovely'. Iave used it for about 6 years now and at times I've really struggled with it and considered changing it from time to time... is it twee, sugary, beautiful enough..? But again and again, I love it when someone says my work or words are 'lovely' and of course I use it to compliment other people. It's great to hear you talking about it. And great to hear you pushing yourself. Someone once said that being creative is not a gift so much as a life sentence... a little negative I think.. but it is a series of ongoing cycles of negative/uncertain to euphoric/sure... your work is interesting, considered and as nadia said, your blog and images are beautiful and lovely.
thank you so much for both your comments. "long, painful, and beautiful" indeed... and yes the creative process to me is a life sentence, not a choice but a requirement in order to breathe...
lovely was a word I used without awareness, just a pattern in my speech...but it has come to represent the beauty in all of life, which includes all of its complexities...
thank you...
oh what a beautiful, expressive post. yes this is the thing about what we all do - the end exhibtion, the final piece that we work toward is actually anti-climatic, it is quite deflating, it just doesn't satisfy. And it's becuase its the journey to the end result that is really the important bit. So don't worry about the critique so much, just try to learn to enjoy the journey - i am thinking that is the secret to success as an artist, that is, learning to enjoy the process, the journey.
Anyway, that's the path i've been trying out these days! and so far it feels right for me. Keep up the stella work Joetta px
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