Sorry about the lack of post on Friday but I was up at 6:30 am to teach yoga and did not get home until almost 5 from my crochet class.
The class was a huge success. It focused on motifs and I learned so much. I now feel pretty confident following a crochet pattern and figuring things out when I am confused. Plus I learned how to make 4 very cool motifs an octagon, sweet little flower, snowflake shape, and a doily circle.
Best of all I was not even close to the stupid kid in class...I learned rather quickly and was able to problem solve a lot on my own. Plus I think the fact that it takes A LOT for me to get discouraged helped. A few of the other students would just get frustrated when things got confusing or did not go their way. Not conducive to figuring things out. Where as I am so use to problem solving in my studio I never got discouraged I just kept going. I have been hooking all weekend trying to pound in the new lessons to my brain.
And I think for Thanksgiving week I am going to take on trying to crochet a beret hat. I have been wanting to buy one- but I think I can do it. After all I have 2 10 hour car rides to figure it out.
Thanks for all your encouragement.
i love these motifs in that charcoal color. i've been thinking about taking up crochet. it's a way for met o use yarn, but i don't think it would hurt quite as much as knitting. maybe that'll be a project for over christmas break...
it is pretty fun, but it def. has a learning curve:)
these little crochet wonders are beautiful! lovely photo too
thanks, i was trying to make my sad little crochet motifs look good::)
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