Check out the new artist exhibiting at Lion Brand Yarn studio. I saw Nathan's work in person while I was de-installing and it was so fun and awesome. Nathan Vincent makes super cool knitted sculptures. Utilizing feminine craft techniques to explore, comment, and question roles of masculinity. At Lion brand he is showing some of his trophy heads. The lion is SO cool. If you are in NY dO stop by.

Nathan states on his website:
My work explores gender permissions and the challenges that arise from straying from the prescribed norms. It questions the qualities of gender by considering what constitutes masculine and feminine. It critiques stereotypical gender mediums by creating "masculine objects" using "feminine processes" such as crochet, sewing, and applique...
I remember my father getting home from work, propping his briefcase on the bed and removing the paperwork.
And, I distinctly remember longing to be tall enough to use the urinal in the men's restroom like the big guys.... By crocheting the objects that are linked to these masculine ideas I am breaking down the barrier of traditional gender permissions. The objects are no longer rough and manly, but soft and inviting.

full interview here.
I remember my father getting home from work, propping his briefcase on the bed and removing the paperwork.

Talking about his love of yarn here:
I have always respected crafts, and adore yarn and needle crafts in particular. The idea of creating something from a single strand of yarn is amazing. The fact that it is considered feminine and/or less respectable is why I started this art project.full interview here.
Nathan also makes gorgeous crochet lace work.

Here is his feature at Lion Brand Yarn Blog, he is speaking in January there. He seems like a very nice and interesting guy. I plan on attending if I can. He is in preparation for a big solo show next year which sounds fabulous- a crochet and knit locker room install!!

Here is his feature at Lion Brand Yarn Blog, he is speaking in January there. He seems like a very nice and interesting guy. I plan on attending if I can. He is in preparation for a big solo show next year which sounds fabulous- a crochet and knit locker room install!!
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