I am truly overwhelmed in the best way from all of your wonderful responses towards my baby news. The support and community I have here in the blog world is so rewarding and wonderful.
Thanks to those who shared your stories toward your children too.
I am truly humbled by the wonderful people who come here to visit.
The above piece is from a little series I am doing titled nine months. Each month during my pregnancy I am picking the most dominant emotion and embroidering it on a linen. By the birth day I will have 9 pieces. They will hang as a series, most likely in a sort of semi-circle on the wall, so far I have the first 4 months.
This piece is from the 4th month- it is all becoming real and makes me feel just a tiny bit overwhelmed.
joetta, i was wondering if you were going ot have a project about pregnancy. it sounds beautiful, ervy piece will speak volumes to your child. it will be amazing to reflect on your 9 month in this way.!
I love this idea, Joetta. It's a really nice way to work through it and to commemorate such an important time of your life. Four months was about the time my friend started feeling overwhelmed, too. It won't last too long :)
Well, I have already expressed my happiness about finally joining the ranks of grandparenthood. I have been told it will also change my life for ever (especially, shopping), as being a parent did. And, quite frankly, parenting was the scariest,hardest,funnest, most rewarding and wonderful thing in my life - and I got to do it twice(hint, hint). I am so happy you have such support from bloggers and friends since miles separate us.Love, Mom(Grandma)
Joetta, i've missed this big news! I hope you find some relief from feeling overtired and overwhelmed. I think you'll find that it will pass, and everything will come into balance. So looking forward to the seeing the inspiration you get from this extraordinary event.
thought you might like this!
thanks for the link. I love Dorie's work, I posted about it a long time ago. The skill to create it is so impressive and I love how she chooses to install. So cool:)
To all ya'll- thanks so much for the encouragement about the project. I hope it turns out to be a intriguing one to folks. It is hard to make work about pregnancy that people will legitimize but it needs to be seen in our art world.
Oh, I'm excited about this new series you're working on! Wonderful idea!
so glad you are excited about the project. i hope in the end it is a success:)
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