Break through and a little risk.
I have been really loving how the appliqued fiber on my piece adds so much texture and depth to the overall work and...
Yesterday, I started thinking why embroider the "sheets" onto the piece when I could applique actual sheets sculpturally on.
So I pinned them today and...I truly feel like I have had a break through with my work...I am pretty pumped to sew them on and see how it goes.
I am going searching for a blanket now too. Appliqueing it in place at my feet and then letting it hang of the bed on to the floor in the install.
So exciting when things like this happen. Makes me truly love my life as an artist.
So beautiful!
i love breakthroughs, yay for breakthroughs!
I have loved watching the progress of this piece!
thank you all so much. it has been so fun working on this piece and letting it evolve. It is so inspiring to have your support.
now i just need to get it done!!!
I am so excited about this! I love the texture and depth that the applique gives. I've always loved the idea of applique, but have struggled with just how it works for me. Remember that project last year with the lilypads? I was close, but not quite there...
I am waiting eagerly to see the sheets!!
yeah, this is the first time that I have done so much applique- but i am loving the direction it is going. i hope it turns out as well as i imagine it:)
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