Let me tell you I had to send the emails about connective thread today and as excited as I am about the artist's that have been selected- It broke my heart to not be able to select everyone. Especially a few artists. I was unable to select a few folks because I simply ran out of room on the walls and I loved their work. Agh.
And then additionally, of course there is the difficulty of not selecting people that you know and love.
But enough of the hard stuff. The show is going to be so AWESOME. The artists and work that I have selected are truly phenomenal. There is traditional work, installation work, site specific work, and even a performance.
But woo, is it a lot of work to coordinate all of this. Yesterday, I spent all day deciding on which work to include and making sure it will fit into the gallery space, etc. Today drafting and sending emails to the selected artists and the entire submission group. I am exhausted and now have even more to do...
design the card.
write the contract.
organize receival of work.
and get everything for the opening.
Crazy lots of work.
But it will be so worth it!!
Oh but don't forget that I have my own solo show opening the same week. and... I am pregnant.
What was I thinking!!
Look forward to the next few months featuring all the artists who submitted. Prepare to be inspired!
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