The holiday show was a success- even in all the rain and cold we had a great turn out and it seemed like a lively party and opening all night long. Many of my friends trekked out to say hello-which as any artist knows means SO much. And I got to meet the talented Iviva and chat some with the visiting Jane.
And best of all I sold my piece, yay!
Today, working away on my embroidery and picking images for my solo show. Things are going smoothly but perhaps not fast enough.
This Saturday I taught another class with Rush Teens, the girls get really excited and into the embroidery which is so nice. Next week is our final class and I hope we get our project done. It will be included in the big student show at Rush Art Gallery in June.
And in January I will start teaching again at Brooklyn General- they have a ton of fun classes coming up and they finally have their website up and running. YAY!!! It looks great and now you can purchase their uber gorgeous yarns online!
But if you want to take an embroidery class with me at a steal of a price there are still a few spaces left in my class this coming Sunday. We would love to have you join us!
Ok. back to work.
and a sweet post that I just found but which went up awhile ago.
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