Life is somewhat in order again- giving me most of this week to work on my embroidered words. They are coming along and I love how they look but they are very very slow going. In order to keep the stitches neat and precise I cannot move fast. So all week this week in the studio I satin stitch. Which is extremely monotonous work so any great podcasts you know of send my way.

Otherwise the art shipments keep coming in for connective thread. And I started a little blog for the exhibition so that all the details are in one place. There are also links to all the artists website. Each artist will be featured here but not until the show is hung- So if you want a sneak peek go take a visit.
O.k. Back to my satin stitches.
well, my faves are CraftLit, Cast On, and Radio Lab. oh, and Craft Sanity too. i've got a lot more but i won't overwhelm you... but if you want more let me know! maybe you already know of those? what pods do you listen to? i am always looking for more as well... we handworkers need to keep our ears busy ;n)
It's nice to see your beautiful work!
thank you!!!
i did not know about all of those they will get added to my list. I already LOVE radio lab, genius. Do you listen to hearing voices? It is one of my faves. Kind of this american life but with more grit.
What did crafters do before podcasts?
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