An ongoing project in which the original floor plans of dream homes designed by the artist are embroidered and displayed to suggest a traditional "Home Sweet Home" sampler in a residential dwelling.

Be nice:
An ongoing project comprised of multiple embroidered works that are scanned and reproduced into pamphlets or postcards. The mass produced materials are consistently distributed around the country.

I would love to fall upon a hand embroidered pamphlet laying around it would completely change your interaction and responses toward the pamphlet, I guarantee more time would be spent on the contents and the preservation of what normally is a throw away object.

a beautiful example f one of Jennifer's first embroidered pieces.
Jennifer states:
Domestic relationships are emotionally and psychologically complex. Under things beautiful lie other things subversive... my projects idolize the idea of a life and home complete with moral decency and architectural splendor. Imagined homes are repeatedly planned and rendered upon cloth; each unique, each better than the last but still never as great as the next. Positive yet mildly proselytizing and instructive manuals for societal courtesy are conceived and sewn to scale; massively reproduced into brochures and postcards which are then distributed nationally.
...Drawn from such matriarchal traditions as the sampler, quilting, and tapestries, my work establishes a dialogue between drawing, painting, and embroidery... The medium references any number of domestic ideals: matriarchal crafts, quaint and “problem-free” country living, Grandma’s house, a “simpler time,” charming TV sit-coms with silly 1950s-esque problems and suburban appeal. At once a longing for unrealized nostalgia emerges in contrast to the reality of modern living.
Beautifully put. See more of Jennifer's work here.
Her work is stunning. Wonderful.
very inspiring work indeed:)
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