Agh, after a being a bridesmaid in a whirlwind weekend of a wonderful friends gorgeous wedding I am preparing to go crazy installing over the next 2 days. There is a ton of work in the show and a few pieces are HUGE so I am a little nervous and stressed.
But I always get this way before the installation of an exhibit that I have curated, more so then my own solo shows. I just sincerely want all the artists involved to be so happy with it. I know that it will come together and am excited to meet many artists tomorrow as a handful are coming to install their own piece, yay.
But the nerves have begun.... Cannot wait to show yo some install pictures tomorrow.
above work by cutting edge artist Virginia Fitzgerald
Wow---I just found your blog yesterday and the work here is soooooo inspirational. I will keep a-readin.
thank you so much- that is what i hope to do. Please come back and visit often.
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