You have no idea of the relief that I woke up with today. Our last few months have been nothing short of crazy- all for good reasons but when you are stretched so thin sometimes it does not feel so good.
But this weekends wedding was a gorgeous end to a hectic schedule- the ketubah that I made is above. I was working to finish until the VERY last minute and still have a bit of tweaking to do. But it was there and it was lovely.

So now me and the family are welcoming a very mellow month of October and then to Colorado Residency for a month, yeah!!! But best of all I can finally get some time to make my own work. No curating, no shows, no obligations for probably about 6 months and that just sounds perfect to me.
I have quite a few shows off in the distance so I am glad to get the time to make some new work so hopefully much more of that to share here.
Sigh... back to enjoying the quite of my house and the rain and no GIANT to do list for a brief while.
Enjoy the time for your own art because I love to see what is swirling around in your head.
It was an Unbelievably gorgeous contribution to a gorgeous wedding. Enjoy your down time!! Imagine - in 6 months you'll be the mother of an almost 1 year old...
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