I am super intrigued by the woven work of Lars Preisser- it has a gorgeous level of minimalism yet still feels very current and not dated, especially in his choices made towards the installation of the works. It is his unique take on minimalism, weaving, and sound.
Many of his works include aspects of sound- often literally building sound elements into the weaving or referencing sound waves and the digitization of sound in the patterns of his weavings.

He states:

You can enlarge it to read it if needed.
Many of his works are gorgeous in their simplicity but apparently he occasionally throws in a more intricate piece that is equally gorgeous.

His blog is as minimal as his work but you can see a few more works here.
amazing! my heart is kinda swelling over this...
fantastic blog, i like it! very inspiring and interessing, éva
glad you all loved this as much as I did:)
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