I featured Maggy Rozycki Hiltner a long time ago and loved the new work that I have recently seen. She is combining embroideries of children with wacky angry "fluffy animals" to make interesting commentary on the relationships in our lives.

Similar to Rebecca Ringquist she gorgeously cuts apart old found linens and collages them to make incredibly gorgeous textures and backgrounds for her work. Often her characters are built out if this same process.

She also has made a series of comic book like narrative works that explore how you navigate friendships and frienemies. They are both hilarious and poignant at the same time.

Her new "landscape" works remind me a bit of Orly Cogan's work from a few years back, in the way the figures unexpectedly peek out and engage with the found work, but are done with much more simplicity and playfulness.

I cannot wait to work with Maggy in the spring when her work is in an exhibit that I am curating. See more of her gorgeous stuff here.
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