The work of Natasha Kerr comes alive it the installation titled "There are things you don't need to know."

In looking at the images you see how important the relationship is from piece to piece in order to create the entire picture- it reminds us as viewers how meaningful it is to see a solo show of someones work. And how inappropriate the white box of the gallery can be for some artists.

Natasha, originally a textile designer began making the work after her mother gave her a series of family photographs that had "languished in some plastic carrier bags in an under stair cupboard" for years. This connected Natalie to her past and ancestry in a way that inspired her to make art.

She recently has begun a new series of work in which she is creating work about "fictionalized" characters.
See more work here.
Love love this work...
lovely isn't it.
This particular attached Natalie for you to her past along with origins in ways that influenced your ex to create fine art. lovely!!
FF14 Gil
Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Digital Collector's Edition
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