I hate to re-post things that I have seen on other blogs, especially when I never remember the blog to give credit where credit is due but... some wonderful blog that I read posted about the Love Ever After series by photographer Lauren Fleishman.

As many of you know my background and first passion is in photography, and this still informs my daily practice as an artist. Therefore, I am still constantly inspired by contemporary photography and if I ever have the money a huge part of my art collection would be a reflection of this. And of course any one that reads my blog knows that I am a big fan of love and intimacy. So this project is one after my heart.

They all seem quite at peace with the place they are with each other and their life. Something to aspire to.
I particularly like this project more then some of Lauren's other projects because of its simplicity, directness. The images seem to be more "real" and a little less slick then her other work. She has an incredible eye and is obviously a trained see-er. But this series seems to have more truth to it both in concept and in the artists vision.

With that said there are some total gems in her other projects so take the time to peruse her website.
like Bruce Springsteen said:
With you I don't hear the minutes ticking by
I don't feel the hours as they fly
I don't see the summer as it wanes
Just a subtle change of light upon your face
(Kingdom of Days)
lovely quote. Thank you for sharing it:)
I think my heart just melted! What a beautiful quote.
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