So as most of you know the last month, or really the last year, has been in the turmoil of transition.
from student to not student.
Massachusetts to full time NYC.
Not having a job to having a job, I must say this is the transition I am most not looking forward too...
But as usual for me when I am dealing with change and transition I reconnect to my roots.
And the best way to reconnect for me, is through my breathe and yoga practice.
In yoga my roots and my foundation is Ashtanga, this is the practice that changed me from someone who liked yoga to someone who is committed to yoga for the rest of her life...
I generally do not practice traditionally anymore but as I taught in the wee hours of the morning today I reconnected to these roots as teacher...
And the simplicity and familiarity felt like coming home from a long and wonderful trip...
Lately I notice that I keep wanting that simplicity and familiarity such as:
in the wholesome traditional vegetarian food I have been making and the
simple photographs I seem to be taking.
Connecting to our feet in yoga opens us up...
Connecting to our foundations as a person brings us home...
1 comment:
this sounds lovely joetta, calm, quiet, kind and gentle
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