As I sit with anticipation of the opening at the Guggenheim of the major retrospective of Louise Bourgeois...
I begin to think about the 3 artists whom I love the most, whom have inspired me and more importantly have taught me...
Louise is the 3rd, she is a new love only a few years old...
Sophie a long time friendship...
and Annette a lifetime.

today, Annette:
The above 2 images are from her Collections, Collection to Find My Best Signature.

Some examples are:
"You must take men as they are and women as they want to be."
" A single women has a broken wing"
"The devil swallowed a women but could not swallow her"

Collection of Anatomical Sentences:

Her humor and anger and brave voice inspires me still to this day as much as the first.
Merci mon amie....
okay I am coming!
Oh Louise Bourgeois, there was an exhibition here a few months ago at the Pompidou Museum, I was stucked at my museum the only day I have free is also the same day they close so no luck....But I hope to go to see Sophie Calle this september.
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