This week I have been truly out of sorts:
I have forgotten responsibilities twice, something I NEVER do,
I have no job, something quite unfamiliar to me since I was 16,
and I am quite overwhelmed by the fact that for one of the positions I applied for there were over 300 applicants, that's just great....
Recently saw one of my closest friends very differently.
And have a wrinkle the size of an earthquake on my forehead, from all the furrowing I am doing out of stress...
So what do you do when you do not know the person staring back at you?
Do you learn to know her?
Or do you search for the person that's lost?
Joetta- oh my- I thought you were describing me for a second!
it is taking some practice, but i am learning to be still
( i guess, i am trying to be in the moment, trying not to be in control and yes getting to know the new me or the me that never came forth till now)
and i have been reading.
You're not alone! I have found myself in a similar state for a couple months. Also being unemployed for the first time since teens... Questioning who that is looking back @ you. Odd, but I feel a little better knowing it's not just me.
And, as it turns out, Marisa of Creative Thursday is experiencing a similar "funk": http://www.creativethursday.com/blog/?p=1510
Perhaps you will find some comfort in her words too, as I did.
thank you so much stacy...Marissa;s post made my day...
to both of you knowing i am not the only one struggling is comfort though i hope for all of us that next week brings better reflections....
i've been feeling like i'm in some sort of funk for about 2 weeks. i started to feel better yesterday and today i feel fine, but i definitely feel some sort of "shift" in, i don't know, my world or maybe it's just my perception. so you're not alone, joetta!
I like that wording a "shift" ...
I just hope things shift to a better place in the long run....
thank you.
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