Yes, it's true...I am now officially 30.
Many say the 30's are great, so I am hoping that will be true for me.
I do not have too many wrinkles, actually just one big enormous one...
only a few gray hairs, pretty much 3...but my hair is dark so they stand out like a neon sign.
and still look pretty good, you know in the "good" kind of way where ice cream is considered one of the food groups...
so welcome 30's goodbye twenties....
Today I am
excited to be going here...
honored to receive this sweetness...
excited to start working here...
and being inspired, as always by her.
Thanks to all the birthday wishes, you make a girl (I am still a "girl" right?) feel loved.
happy birthday joetta
Happy birthday Joetta.
Found your blog today and I have to say that I feel almost like home, arrived here while doing research on my favorite couple (Boltanski and Messager).
I haven't read it all yet but I saw a lot of lace, dollies and old photos...what do I need more ? Love it.
welcoem sofia.
yes they are the best couple, i love seeing the threads in their work that connect them as artists...
looking forward to sharing with you:)
Working does that mean-the job search is over? how great!- that Restaurant sounds wonderful have a blast! yes most definitely u will always and forever be a girl! happy birthdau Joetta-it sounds happy indeed!
Happy Birthday, Joetta! Do report back on the whole 30s thing. I just turned a ripe 27 a week ago + am told that the 30s are lovely.
Here's a little birthday treat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrfXurKNMo4
Just say "Joetta" every time he says "Lisa"....
Happy bday doll! The 30's have been wonderful to me so far- these past four year I feel like I am myself at last.. May this be the year you fly!
thanks to all...
S- loved the song so lovely...
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