My heart is going a pidder pat over the work of Anne Wolf. Her denim heart series if amazing.

Anne talks about the touching inspiration behind this work:
This series began in the months that followed my second miscarriage. I became preoccupied with my child’s heartbeat. I thought: if only we could make a heart that was strong enough, the baby would be all right. I began making hearts out of my old blue jeans, some of them saved since I was a teenager. This fabric that had held the wear of my everyday life for so long began, in my mind, to take on the quality of biological material—more like genes than jeans...
My son was finally born, healthy and strong. On his third day in the world, they discovered he had Ventricular Septal Defect: a congenital heart defect that manifests as a small hole between the heart’s two lower chambers. Although the VSD was only coincidentally related to my past experiences, my son’s heart continues large in my awareness—even as he grows into an active, lively and robust little boy.
She has also made a gorgeous series of shrouds...

and wrapped figures.

and installation work...

I find Anne's work very moving and evocative. She also expertly uses texture.

See more of her work here.
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