It has been nice to have this and a 2nd trade piece to work on the last few weeks as they have kept me working without any creative pressure. But yesterday, I stopped into the studio to get some supplies for the piece that I am working on for from the tongue and it made me crave some more creative work.
It is going to be so hard to balance my desires as an artist to make great work and my desire as a mom to just stare at Tesla and be near him all the time. The good thing is that I can bring him to the studio but I am still unsure how that will work out for either of us. I guess we will find out soon enough.
I have gotten some great photographs to get my next series started and I really want to get it going... but it is a large scale and challenging series. I hope I can find a way to work on it and love on the babe at the same time...
oh my goodness- i love to "check in" with your blog, but it's never as often as i want. so when i saw this post this morning it was particular resonate. i am not kidding when i tell you that i am working on this same haiku as an embroidery gift for my mother whose marriage has fallen apart after 47 years.
i also, recognized too well that universal idea of how it all fits in--motherhood, creative outletting, and all of it in between. the sporadic and ill-fitting pieces of the balance puzzle were, in fact, a very large part of my non-submission to "from the tongue"--even with the gift of your 48 hours.
it will, in hindsight, become apparent that it is easier and less complicated when our children are infants.
but "soon enough" comes much too quickly.
what a coincidence and a fitting haiku for your mom. that must be very difficult for her.
i love your comments about motherhood and i am trying hard to not to wish away any moment as i know they will all fly by so quick. i am trying to soak it all in. and he is so easy now I know it will get harder soon.
i would love to see the work you were planning on submitting anyway.
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