When flipping through the Fiber Art Intn'l catalogue I was very taken by the narrative embroidery work of artist Caroline Kirton. She and I utilize many of the same techniques and are both inspired by vintage textiles- but her work touches on a very particular emotional time of our life, the difficult and emotionally rough moment of teenage hood.

Caroline is inspired and moved by watching her daughters navigate through this moment of life and creates incredibly powerful, subtle, and beautiful work from her love.

She describes her work:
My work has developed into snap shots of how I view teenage life, by observing my daughters and their friends. It is an observation of my relationship with my daughters as they progress through their teenage years, and considers how this relationship is always evolving. My work is also concerned with the issues of control and how young people often feel they have no real control over their lives because of parental and official boundaries. In addition I am trying to come to terms with the issues associated with letting go, as I try to rationalise my own thoughts and feelings, of having to allow my children to grow up and become independent people in their own right.
Embodied in all my work is also the idea of unconditional love. In my practice I try to create a sense of autobiography, recording stories, feelings, emotions and moments in time...
My pieces start with a saying or an overheard conversation and can be titled or left to the audience to interpret what the starting point may have been.

I very much enjoy Caroline's color palette and the choices she makes in using color blocks and negative space. These choices add an emotional depth and simplicity to the work that adds very much to its beauty.
See more of her work here.
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