When the sun set last night,
I finally felt like I could breathe.
And what a relief that breath was...
E is doing much better and after his blood test tomorrow we will know the real situation.
When we visited yesterday he was so much better then before and the vet seems very happy with his response to treatment.
I finally got to my Brooklyn studio to paint the walls and floor. I have now made it my own and pushed out any remaining energy of the previous occupant. (I think that is super important with your work place)
And I am trucking away with thesis, I really need to buckle down on the paper, today?
oh and our accountant rocks and taxes are done. I hope yours are too.
Send E lots of kitty love so we can hear good news tomorrow.
Enjoy the sunshine if you have any, if not hope it is coming soon.
That is the best side of rain and gloom, it always ends and the sun kisses our faces again.
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