Thursday, March 13, 2008

good moments

I love the light in my humble little apartment in Mass.
The light floods in, in  very magical ways and always makes my days here a lot better.
I love my mornings in Mass. ... 
it is more the nights falling asleep alone that are hard.

So the fact I have this beautiful crochet afghan from my grandma on my bed makes me feel a little less alone.  
I just received this at 80 (?) year old gradndam made one for me and my sister it was such a nice surprise and I can so imagine it on my future children's bed...
but for now when I walk in my very sparse little home away from home it helps to make me feel like I am not alone.
What items in your life give you love and comfort?

1 comment:

amy turn sharp said...

that is so sweet-
I am also surrounded by my handmade things from loved ones
so comforting and divine